Beyond the Book Booth

Selling Books Is Not the Only Reason Writers Attend Book Festivals Julie McGue Author I’m still glowing from my three-day weekend at the Tucson Festival of Books, where I joined seven other authors in the second annual Adoptee Author Booth (organized by adoptee and...
The Joy in Making Someone Successful

The Joy in Making Someone Successful

The Joy in Making Someone Successful Julie McGue Author I remember the day Mom first began exhibiting signs of memory loss. My siblings and I had taken she and Dad out for brunch to celebrate several family members’ birthdays. As each guest arrived, they added their...
With Gratitude

With Gratitude

With Gratitude Julie McGue Author Over the last decade, I managed to create and publish more content,  stories, books, essays, and articles than I would ever have thought lived inside me. It’s a curious thing. Each piece, whether it was a family tale, an aspect of...
A Wrinkle in My Sock

A Wrinkle in My Sock

A Wrinkle in My Sock Julie McGue Author Many years ago, when our four kids ranged from ages three to thirteen, my husband and I decided to graduate from our usual Midwestern ski slope vacation and take it up a notch. After some research, we settled on Big Sky,...

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