Best Blogs from the Worst Year Ever

Julie McGue

Julie McGue


Good riddance to 2020! 

I didn’t set any firm resolutions for 2021, but I love resets and fresh starts! In keeping with that idea, I gave my website a facelift. Check it out here


My improved website will continue to feature blogs that focus on finding out who you are, where you belong, and making sense of it. In addition to themes of identity and family, I will continue to feature some of my favorite ‘quirky life moments’– all these will appear under the That Girl, This Life Blog. Essays, research or news items related to adoption will now be found under the Touched By Adoption tab on the main menu. 

The year 2020 provided me rich material to ponder and put on the page. Here’s a recap of the posts that most resonated with readers. Just click on the link to re-read or catch up on one you might have missed:

Present or Gift? Whether it was due to the pandemic or the political turmoil of 2020, my holiday gift giving was a tedious process. 

My Writing Space Keeps Shrinking Due to unforeseen circumstances like the pandemic, a flood, and a hurricane, the space where I landed with my computer to write was in constant flux.

How does “hindsight is 20/20” relate to now? I did a deep dive into a phrase we all use but don’t really know where it came from.

How DNA Influenced My Manuscript Submittal When I submitted my manuscript for review to an elite writing program, my birth father was not even a thought in my head.

What is your catch-22? The term originated from a 1941 movie, but it has come to mean a dilemma that one has difficulty figuring out.

Fellowship and Favorite Family Phrases Every family has them–a turn of phrase that evokes a funny or meaningful family experience.

The Pink Month Always Gives Me Pause October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month which always reminds me of my birth mother and the urgent quest for family medical history.

How Long Before We Set Aside Our Covid-tinted glasses? It seems that everything we do, watch, read and think about is still tainted by the virus.

Why do we blame? Why is it that our first inclination when something goes wrong is to cast a wide net for someone or something to blame?

I Lost My FOMO During Covid During the national lockdown and sheltering-in-place, I lost my fear of missing out.

I hope you enjoy revisiting these “oldies but goodies.” Later this month, my piece about a coffeepot that turned against me will hit your inbox!

Cheers to 2021!

“​The year 2020 provided me rich material to ponder and put on the page.

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Twice a Daughter

A Search for Identity, Family, and Belonging

by Julie Ryan McGue

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