That Girl, This Life
Weekly posts that focus on identity, family, and life’s quirky moments.
Can Babies Be Placed For Adoption Without A Father’s Consent?
Can babies be put up for adoption without the birth father’s consent?
How Long Before We Set Aside Our Covid-tinted Glasses?
Besides a nasty pandemic, there are other kinds of unwelcome visitors that threaten to disturb our peace of mind and sense of well-being.
Exposing some secrets from my adoption search
Sharing secrets… tissues not provided!
I lost my FOMO during the Pandemic
“There’s much chatter out there about the beneficial changes in our lives due to Covid-19. After a bit of reflection, I came upon a stunning realization. I lost my FOMO during the viral outbreak.
Maybe you did, too?”
What is Positive Adoption Language?
The more we talk about proper wording, the better we understand one another.
What Does The Trolley Problem Have In Common With The Pandemic?
In choosing how to save lives, the problem facing doctors is an ethical dilemma like the Trolley Problem.
What Is Genetic Genealogy And How Does It Help Me Find My Relatives?
Even at the current level of DNA testing, finding lost or missing family is hard work.
What Is Virus Snitching and Shaming?
Snitching and shaming is just as contagious as the pandemic.
Did you know that May Is National Foster Care Month?
There isn’t anything more rewarding than making a difference in the life of a child.
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