That Girl, This Life
Weekly posts that focus on identity, family, and life’s quirky moments.
Choices Have A Ripple Effect
Choices come in two varieties. It’s important to consider the ripple effect of each.
How Document Details Can Reveal More Puzzles
Requesting information or documents can often pose puzzling new questions.
What’s On Your OBR?
What’s on your original birth record (OBR)? Ever wonder how it differs from one an adoptee possesses?
Check Your Pockets
It’s always a good idea to check your pockets whenever you leave your coat unattended.
Birth Moms Should Come With Warning Labels
All the books, support groups and research I did could not have prepared me for the actual experience of my adoption search.
Respect & Courtesy
Respect and courtesy for the elderly is more evident in other cultures than in US.
Adoption Searching is like being stuck in ‘no man’s land’
How my adoption search and reunion put me into ‘no man’s land’.
Adoption Anger
Adoption anger is real. I share examples and advice in this week’s post.
When I Adopted Them
Discover how and why I was an adoption holdout.
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