Conversation Matters

Conversation Matters

Conversation Matters Julie McGue Author November is designated as National Adoption Awareness Month. This year’s theme is Conversation Matters.  It was President Reagan who proclaimed the first National Adoption Week. And in 1996, President Clinton expanded adoption...
Interview with Carolyn Arnold

Interview with Carolyn Arnold

Interview with Carolyn Arnold ​ Julie McGue Author Carolyn Lee Arnold Author Held each October since its inception in 2003, National Book Month focuses on the importance of reading, writing and literature. During this time, the country’s best books and authors are...
October is National Book Month!

October is National Book Month!

October is National Book Month! ​ Julie McGue Journalist & Author I have always loved to read! When I was in elementary school, my mom piled my siblings and me into our old, green station wagon and took us to La Grange Library to get our first library cards. I...
The Power in Knowing

The Power in Knowing

The Power in Knowing Julie McGue Author It’s late on a Saturday afternoon, and I’m finally taking ownership of my favorite wicker lounge chair in the sunroom. I’ve been looking forward to this moment all day. Sufficiently wilted from transitioning the summer garden...
The Value of Seeking Support

The Value of Seeking Support

The Value of Seeking Support ​ Julie McGue Author One of the questions I often field about my adoption search and reunion experience is:  How did you cope with the devastating denial of your birth mother and the subsequent dismissal by your birth father? My answer has...

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