Breaking Rules Can Reap Rewards

Breaking Rules Can Reap Rewards

Breaking Rules Can Reap Rewards Julie McGue Author I will admit to being an ardent rule-follower. Both the fear of discovery and public shaming factor into my strict adherence to regulations. Yet inwardly, I often admire and applaud the courage of rule-breakers....
Interview with Willa Goodfellow

Interview with Willa Goodfellow

Interview with Willa Goodfellow Julie McGue Author Willa Goodfellow Mental Health Journalist, Episcopal Priest, & Author In Prozac Monologues: A Voice from the Edge, mental health journalist and Episcopal priest Willa Goodfellow shares her journey to recovery with...
Broken Trust

Broken Trust

Broken Trust Julie McGue Author When the house alarm emitted a series of short, shrill tones, I was immersed in meditation. I refocused on my mantra and tried to breathe deeply. A few seconds later, two more high-pitched beeps followed. I sighed and trudged over to...
What Do You Want?

What Do You Want?

What Do You Want?   ​ Julie McGue Author My husband and I went out for dinner last week with some new friends–a neighbor whom I’ve gotten to know through my Catholic Charities post-adoption support group. When the waiter approached our table, my fellow adoptee...
Do Not Roll

Do Not Roll

Do Not Roll Julie McGue Author The global news scene is both grim and deflating. In disconcerting times such as these, it is often soothing to look back, to resurrect old memories, and to reflect upon those times. Below I offer a revised post from my archives. I hope...
Readers Want To Know…

Readers Want To Know…

Readers Want To Know…     Julie McGue Author Since my memoir Twice a Daughter launched on May 11, I’ve shared my adoption search story with numerous news media and podcasters, participated in virtual book discussions, and been invited to speak at several...

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