That Girl, This Life
Weekly posts that focus on identity, family, and life’s quirky moments.
The Holidays Are Touchpoints Too
How do you cope when the Season of Joy leaves you with the blues?
White Elephant
Giving the right gift is an art. What were your holiday shopping goals this year?
First Cousins
This summer I met first cousins, blood relatives introduced to me by a DNA matching site…
Who Is Your “I’ll Be Right Over Friend”?
Who is your: I’ll Be Right Over Friend?
Birth Parents Have Fears & Fantasies Too
Adoptees are not the only adoption triad members that express fear and fantasies.
Thankfulness & Practicing Zero-based Gratitude
What is ‘zero-based’ gratitude? How do I practice it?
What Is Closed Adoption and What Are The Benefits?
What are the benefits of Closed Adoption?
What was your childhood fantasy?
Every child and teenager has fantasies. I share what adoptees muse about.
I Met My Birthmother During National Adoption Month
Read what National Adoption Month meant for me.
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