Effort of Creating a Lasting Memory

Effort of Creating a Lasting Memory

Effort of Creating a Lasting Memory Julie McGue Author   When I was a young girl, on special occasions my dad dragged out and erected the equipment and accouterments that were an early version of a video camera. The process of setting up this contraption occurred...
Sometimes Breaking Rules Is Rewarding

Sometimes Breaking Rules Is Rewarding

Sometimes Breaking Rules Is Rewarding Julie McGue Author   Most of the time when rules are broken there are consequences. I transgressed. I didn’t get caught, and I might even suggest that my audacious behavior was doubly rewarded. My husband and I recently sold...
Summer Was a Moving Experience

Summer Was a Moving Experience

Summer Was a Moving Experience Julie McGue Author   If I had to describe this past season, besides the obvious — it’s been a hot one (July 2019 was the hottest on record) — I’d proclaim the summer of 2019 as moving. Moving in the literal sense, as in packing up...
What Kind of Friend Am I?

What Kind of Friend Am I?

What Kind of Friend Am I? Julie McGue Author   This morning when I looked in the bathroom mirror, I wasn’t sure who would reflect back: a best buddy or a second-tier friend.  Good buddies call or text one another frequently.  They ask about your kid’s ear...
When Yoga Isn’t Fun Anymore

When Yoga Isn’t Fun Anymore

When Yoga Isn’t Fun Anymore Michelle Marlahan Guest Author It’s a common scenario: at some point after consistent yoga practice, a student will make the bewildered comment, “I used to feel so much better after yoga but lately I feel worse.”This...

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